Book your group travel today! +39 0541 363210

01 - Information and booking
02 - Our office opening hours
03 - Emergency
number for weekends and bank holidays
04 - How to book
05 - Hotels and categories
06 - All prices are in euros
07 - Key
08 - Accommodation
09 - Cautionary deposit for
student groups
10 - Complimentaries
11 - Tourist tax
12 - Booking fees
13 - Internet reviews
14 - Extra charges
15 - Recommendations
to ensure the success of your holiday
16 - Other useful information
17 - Payments
Via Parmense 19
47923 Rimini - Italy
Tél: 00 39/0541/363210
Fax: 00 39/0541/363245 or 770721
E-Mail: [email protected]
Please follow these recommendations:
Phone the hotel or restaurant during the trip to advise the exact time of arrival. Please arrive punctually for meals, which are usually served at 12 a.m.-1.30 p.m. (lunch) and 7 p.m.-8.30 p.m. (dinner). Requests for picnic meals should be made to the hotel management one day before you require them. Remember that you must have a list of the persons in your group indicating date of birth residence, typed on headed notepaper of the school.
• the group leader must check and correct the travel documents accordingly if the number of participants does not correspond to the truth.
• In most cases, the number of people indicated on the vouchers is used to issue the invoice. There are some services such as restaurant meals, for which the only document certifying the definitive number of participants is exclusively what reported on the voucher used for the service, therefore not verifiable or refutable later.
• However, there are several hotels and restaurants that invoice with reference to the last rooming list received or accept changes only if received at least 48 hours before arrival.
• It is also possible that hotels and restaurants apply penalties up to 100% of the cost of the service for no-shows or last-minute cancellations.
• With regard to transport such as: ferries, planes, boats or trains, individual cancellation policies will be taken into consideration and it is usually not possible to recover the tickets of people who have not departed.
• We do not accept disputes on invoices after 20 days from the date of issue, after this term we consider ourselves authorized to proceed with payments and therefore unable to recover any type of dispute.
Payment exclusively by SWIFT transfer to our bank:
Rimini Branch
IBAN: IT27 L 06230 24293 000031237955
BIC: CRPPIT2P773 - a/c 000031237955
CAB: 24200 - ABI - 03273 - CIN: L- CIN EUR: IT27
Rimini Branch
IBAN: IT06 B 03273 24200 000309800501
BIC: CRDRIT2F - a/c 000309800501
CAB: 24200 - ABI - 03273 - CIN: B- CIN EUR: IT06
Bank transfer expenses to be paid by client.